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Book 220 Babies Are Such Fun To Dress

The official Title ... Babies Are Such Fun To Dress, Sizes 6 months to 4 years, Knit and Crochet. This pattern book is on the 'smaller' side, containing just 23 pages - 11 patterns.  It was published as a promotion to American Thread Dawn Wintuk Baby Yarn or Dawn Orlon. Note: this patterns in this book are not available in the shop as this booklet, published in 1970, is not in the public domain.   Should you need one of the patterns, this book can 'probably' be found over at Ebay, Etsy, etc.

American Thread, Star Book 220

 The front cover ... Now, not that I truly want to start this out by saying anything negative about a baby (they are all cute and precious), doesn't the look on the face of this little one the cover look a bit like the look of insolence with see in the teenager they become.    I know it's frequently said that we are born who we are ... do you suppose this little darling grew into a somewhat 'bitchy' person ... looking over her shoulder to see who's looking at her?

 'Say it with Daisies' is a sweet puff stitch baby set.   The crocheted layette includes the jacket (sacque), mittens, booties and an adorable cap/bonnet.   This is sized 6 - 9 months.


The unlikely header for this set - Ain't She Sweet (So's He).    We have a pink & white (or colors of your choice) knitted sweater and beret, sized 2 - 4 years for her, and a sweater and cap, also knitted and sized 2 - 4 years, for him. 


This is the 'Fable in Cable Baby Set.   It includes an adorable cable sweater, mitts and booties, and a little hat with the matching cables and little ribbon ties.    This layette is knitted and sized 6 - 9 months. 


This is the little girl shown on the cover ... looking much sweeter.   The adorable jacket (sacque) contains both knitting the crochet and is sized 6 - 9 months.   


Now, this is adorable .. both the baby and the dress !   The two colored dress, with short sleeves, is crocheted and sized 2 and 4 years.   


Here's another layette and it's equally as sweet as the others !  Called "A Rosy Future), the Crocheted Baby set includes the usual layette items; jacket, booties, mitts and a bonnet.


And, the final layette is this sweet knitted set, entitled Buttercup and Cornflowers.   This is sized for the 6 month infant.  


Here's 'Kids Around Town'.   It includes a knitted dress, sized 2 and 4 years, as well as a suit (shorter version of the dress and pants), also knitted and sized 2 and 4 years.


And ... the back page is the same as the front page. 

There are some great patterns in here for baby.   Five of the patterns are knitted and three are crocheted.   All are adorable.  

As mentioned previously, these patterns are not listed in my shop, however, there's plenty of baby designs should you care to browse.       Crochet Baby Patterns          Knitting Baby Patterns

 Hope you enjoyed the book review.  Both the patterns, and the baby pics are marvelous.

Thanks for dropping by,   Lorrie