The patterns in this shop are reformatted vintage designs; crisp clean documents with one and a half line spacing. The pattern is a PDF download. A link will be forwarded to your email address within a couple minutes..

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Filet Crochet

Mail Order Filet Crochet Patterns of Alice Brooks, Laura Wheeler, Anne Cabot and others

There are literally hundreds of Filet Crochet patterns that were marketed through newspaper advertisements.  These designs were prominent in the 1940s to the early 1960s and captured the usual motifs of flowers, pets, and so much more.   I've divided this section into several categories for ease of viewing.  There are a few patterns, aprons for example, in other categories due to the limited numbers. 

These patterns represent my current collection.  I'm always on looking for patterns not in my collection as I attempt to build a master collection.  If you have patterns you'd be willing to share, trade or sell for a small fee,  please let me know.