The patterns in this shop are reformatted vintage designs; crisp clean documents with one and a half line spacing. The pattern is a PDF download. A link will be forwarded to your email address within a couple minutes..

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Doilies - Pineapple


The Mail Order pattern brands produced MANY pineapple doily patterns. Of all the doilies, the pineapple design accounts for at least 40%. The designs of Alice Brooks, Laura Wheeler and American Weekly were quite intricate, often building upon themselves, whereas the designs coming from the Needlework Bureau and Anne Cabot brand were much simpler. I've been tracking the Mail Order patterns on spread sheets and know there are at least 400 more.

If you happen to have any Mail Order Patterns not in my collection that you'd be willing to trade, or sell for a small fee, please let me know. I'm working towards building a collection of these vintage designs.