The patterns in this shop are reformatted vintage designs; crisp clean documents with one and a half line spacing. The pattern is a PDF download. A link will be forwarded to your email address within a couple minutes..

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Pot Holders / Hot Mats

Pot Holders and hot plate mats have been an essential in our lives, I would assume, ever since man invented cookware. There are, of course, many different kinds that meet the ends, but, since this is a crochet category, let's just discuss crochet.

Pre 1950s, the majority of crochet pot holder and mats were fairly standard; a no-frills approach. When the 1950s approached, however, all that changed and we started seeing a variety of designs for the many motifs we loved to adorn our homes. This continued right to present times. In this section, you'll find a variety of patterns to meet both your practical and whimsical desires ... all fun and all crocheted.

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